Savidge’s Creekside Online Store

Savidge’s Creekside Online Store

About Us

We decided to start selling liquidation products to help supplement our income. It is a lot of work, but we check each product before we put it out for sale.
We are a husband and wife team. Just recently moved to North East, Pa. which is near Erie. It has been a transition for us. As well as doing pallets, we are trying to get a campground up and running.
We may have it, take a look

Savidge’s Creekside Online Store

Delivery & Returns

Items may be picked up at our location in North East, Pa. or mailed to your location on request. May return any purchase of items that do not work within 2 days
All items are looked at to be sure they are in working condition when they leave the store. Items are guaranteed for 2 days from purchase.

Payment Info

Accepted forms of payment are PayPal, Cash App most major credit cards Cash accepted at our location

Contact Us

Our address
10834 Route 89 North East, Pa
Open hours
Mon. and Thurs. 10:00 am - 5:00 pm